If fonts were people… 🧐

Choosing the right fonts for your business is actually one of the biggest branding decisions you will make.

Fonts have personalities, and they should align with what your business stands for. For example, if you were launching a product for curly hair - think rounded, thick, and lively (not Curlz, though! 😅)

Fonts can also carry associations, so it's important to understand these while choosing the right fonts for your brand.

Here's some well known fonts if they were people, because, well why not?


The Professional

Well-kept with a little dry humour - Arial is efficient, bold and decisive. Her desk is always clean and organised, believing the state of people desks’ reflects their state of mind. She is straightforward, is a stickler for process and makes her expectations clear.


The Sage

Papyrus is a walking greeting card that loves telling tall tales. He spends his weekends reading from his collection of leather bound history books and sometimes sneakily dabbles in fantasy fiction. Papyrus is charmingly eccentric, and he brings an air of enchantment and imagination with his rich storytelling.


The Modern Techy

Dressing in a sleek, modern style devoid of colour, and sporting the latest smartphone and kicks - Futura is a tech-savvy individual that built his own computer. He maintains a forward-thinking approach and is building an innovative business app for smart investing.


Curlz is a young woman with a penchant for chewing gum incessantly, and is often seen as more annoying than endearing. She is playful and genuinely giggles at everyone’s jokes. Curlz is unaware how much her doodling on margins of paperwork sends Arial bonkers.

Times New Roman

The Gentleman

Traditional, masculine and a little behind the times, Times New Roman probably should have retired a few years ago but does not think anyone is capable of filling his shoes. Sharply dressed and with a direct manner of speaking, he does have a timeless professionalism to him with interns turning to him on default.


The Bold and the Beautiful

Broadway is, pause for effect, a little dramatic, but usually brings a bit of liveliness, fire and flair to the office. Either in the sales or creative team, she outperforms the others but will sometimes take credit when it was a team effort. When she is presenting a new idea she really believes in, she strides into the office like it is a runway, modeling her red power suit.


Most people avoid filling their cup at the water station if Chiller is nearby and purposefully evade eye-contact. Chiller is an intense personality, giving off stranger danger vibes and who’s wardrobe features too many turtlenecks for comfort. Chiller really likes to bake and brings his ‘creations’ to work to share, however, those who do take one do so to placate him and end up throwing it away hidden in their napkin because they think he is trying to poison them.

Hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it, but I did so to highlight how fonts have personalities and distinct traits that have associations. So when choosing the right fonts for your business - make sure to consider this ^


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